MS Windows

Install Python for MS Windows 10

Install Python 3.10.x or newer. Download the latest Windows 10 64-bit installer from

  1. After downloading, right click the file and select Run as administrator.
  2. Check the Add Python 3.x to PATH box at the bottom
  3. Click Custom Installation
  4. Click Next
  5. Check Install for all users box at the top
  6. Click Install

Install pyFltk for MS Windows 10

  1. Open a command prompt using cmd or powershell.
  2. Run the following command:
pip  install  pyfltk

Download FLTK C++ Documentation

FLTK C++ documentation has excellent documentation which is easy to read and understand for python.

Download the full C++ FLTK 1.3.7 docs below:

Get FLTK C++ docs

Extract the tar.gz file with the popular 7-zip software. A tar.gz file is a compressed archive. You will have to extract it twice. The first extraction will produce the tar file. Then extract the tar file again with 7-zip. Then go into the html directory and open the index.html file with a browser. Bookmark this page as you will be refering to it often. It should look similar to this fltk_docs

Access the demo pyFltk programs and python specific documentation

After installing pyFltk then the python specific documentation and test programs will be located in directories,

C:\Program Files\Python39\Lib\site-packages\fltk\test
C:\Program Files\Python39\Lib\site-packages\fltk\docs